今天是 1932 年 9 月 27 日,历史上的今天,法国作曲家皮埃尔·狄盖特因劳累过度导致心脏病发作,在法国里尔市逝世。狄盖特是一位著名的工人作曲家,他投身于工人运动,并在工人夜校学习文化和音乐。他领导过几次工人运动,并创作了《国际歌》等经典作品。
Title: Historical Today: Pierre Degeyter’s Death, Composer of \”The Internationale\”
Keywords: Degeyter, Internationale, Composer
On this day in history, September 27th, 1932, Pierre Degeyter, a French composer and worker, passed away due to an attack of heart disease in Liège, Belgium. Degeyter was a renowned worker-composer and his contributions to the world of music are still felt today. He was involved in several worker movements and was known for his compositions such as \”The Internationale.\”
Degeyter’s \”The Internationale\” is a famous anti-war song that has been widely sung around the world. His music compositions were dear to workers and left-wing activists, serving as a tool for their struggle and beliefs.
Today, we remember this outstanding composer and remember his significant contributions to the world of music.
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