据台湾媒体报道,台军自造的潜艇“海鲲”将于本周五(28 日)下水。前参谋总长李喜明此前曾扬言,若解放军进入太平洋,台军将不会坐视不管。台军方面表示,此次下水仪式将低调举行,不会对外公开。




News Title: Taiwan’s homemade submarine ‘Sea Dragon’ to be launched on Friday

Keywords: Taiwan’s homemade submarine, Sea Dragon, launch, former Chief of Staff, threat to Chinese presence in the Pacific

News Content:

According to Taiwanese media reports, Taiwan’s homemade submarine, the Sea Dragon, will be launched this Friday (28th). The former Chief of Staff, Li Hsin-ming, once stated that if the Chinese military entered the Pacific, Taiwan would not stand idly by. The Taiwanese military has said that the launch ceremony will be held secretly and will not be publicized.

It is worth noting that the Sea Dragon submarine is relatively small and cannot be deployed on long-distance missions. Currently, the Taiwanese military mainly relies on the \”弗洛伊德\”-class submarines provided by the United States for operations. In recent years, the Taiwanese military has increased its efforts to develop and produce submarines in order to meet the growing threats from its neighbors.

The launch ceremony for the Sea Dragon submarine is of great significance for the Taiwanese military. In recent years, the Taiwanese military has been trying to create a narrative of \”Chinese threat\” in order to seek more support from the international community. Taiwanese media believe that the launch ceremony will boost morale among the military,鼓舞其对抗中国大陆的意志。


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